How to register:
Please click the link, and follow the instruction to fill out the form and pay the tuition online.
MCS currently use the Simplified Chinese textbooks 《中文》(教材下载). The textbooks cover materials to be taught in both Fall and Spring semesters. The textbooks are complimentary for Simplified Chinese students. The textbook for Pre-K, Traditional Chinese and Practical Chinese Class has special arrangement. The contents in the textbooks are selected by topics of AAPPL and AP Chinese tests.
Tuition: 2023-2024 academic year:
Tuition Refund Policy:
This class is designed for kids at the age of 4 to 5 to start having exposure to Chinese learning environment and stimulate their interest for Chinese culture.
A Class:
暨南大学 《中文 》系列教材 1-12
B Class:
《轻松学中文》少儿版 “Easy steps to Chinese for Kids”
These classes are designed for youths of 6 years or older with an interest to learn Chinese with a long-term study plan:
Pinyin Class
A: Grade 1-12
B: Grade 1-6
A Class for kids of Chinese-speaking family
B Class for kids that are not from Chinese-speaking family.
Textbook: TBA
This class is designed for youths with an interest to learn Traditional Chinese with a long-term study plan.
Textbook: TBA
The Practical Chinese classes accepts students age 12 up to adults. These classes are designed for non-Chinese speaking individuals who wish to learn conversational Chinese.
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